Our members

AVEC represents the European poultry sector, giving a voice to all players. Our members include national organisations that represent the poultry industry and poultry trade in 17 EU member states.


QGV - Austrian Poultry Health Service

Österreichische Qualitätsgeflügelvereinigung Bahnhofstrasse 9 A-3430 Tulin +43 227282600-12 +43 227282600-4 harald.schliessnig@qgv.at www.qgv.at


VIP vzw

Vereniging van Industriële Pluimveeslachterijen Korsele 70 B-9667 Horebeke +32 55 49 99 70 +32 55 45 78 56 vip-belgie@skynet.be


Danish Agriculture and Food Council

Axelborg Axeltorv 3 DK-1614 Copenhagen +45 33 39 40 00 +45 33 39 41 41 sml@lf.dk www.lf.dk


Finnish Food and Drink Industries Federation

P.O. Box 115 FIN-00241 Helsinki +358 9 14 88 71 +358 9 14 88 72 01 terhi.virtanen@etl.fi www.etl.fi


CIDEF - Comité Interprofessionnel de la Dinde

ZAC Atalante Champeaux 3 allée Ermengarde d’Anjou F-35000 RENNES +33 2 99 60 31 26 +33 2 99 60 58 67 cidef@wanadoo.fr www.cidef.net


FIA - Fédération des Industies Avicoles

184, rue de Vaugirard F-75015 Paris +33 1 53 58 48 10 +33 1 53 58 48 19 contact@fia.fr www.fia.fr


Bundesverband der Geflügelschlachtereien e.V

Claire-Waldoff-Strasse 7 D-10117 Berlin +49 30 28 88 31 10 +49 30 28 88 31 50 bvg@zdg-online.de www.zdg-online.de


Baromfi Termék Tanács

Pava u.8. 1094 Budapest +361 269 2998 +361 269 2995 attila.csorbai@magyarbaromfi.hu www.mbtt.hu


UNAITALIA - National Union of meats and eggs Italian agrifood chain

Via Torino 146 00184 Rome +39-0645541050 +39-0645497540 unaitalia@unaitalia.com www.unaitalia.com


Latvian Poultry Association

Republikas laukums 2 - 518, Riga, LV-1010 +371 26147764 info@poultry.lv www.poultry.lv


NEPLUVI - Vereniging van de Nederlandse Pluimveeverwerkende Industrie

Vendelier 57 D 3905 PC Veenendaal +31 30 6355252 info@nepluvi.nl www.nepluvi.nl


KRD - Krajowa Rada DrobiarstwaIzba Gospodarcza

ul. Czackiego 3/5 00-043 Warszawa +48 (0-22) 82 82 389 krd-ig@krd-ig.com.pl www.krd-ig.com.pl


ANCAVE - Associação Nacional dos Centros de Abate e Indústrias Transformadoras de Carne de Aves

Av. Miguel Bombarda, 120 - 3o P-1050-167 Lisboa +351 217 966 439 ancave@mail.telepac.pt


UNIUNEA CRESCATORILOR DE PASARI DIN ROMANIA (Romanian Poultry Producers' Association)

Bdul Ion Mihalache nr. 106 Bloc 84, Scara A, Ap. 24, Sector 1 Bucuresti + 40 021 666 37 65 + 40 021 666 37 65 officeUCPR1993@yahoo.com office@avicultura.ro www.avicultura.ro


GIZ Mesne Industrije Slovenije

Dimičeva 9 1000 Ljubljana 00 386 41 790 853 giz.mi@siol.net


Amaco - Asociación Nacional de Mataderos de Aves Conejos y Salas de Despiece

Diego de Léon 33 - 4 E-28006 Madrid +34 91 515 85 45 +34 91 515 85 46 amaco@amaco.es www.amaco.es


AVIANZA - Asociación Interprofesional Española de Carne Avícola

Diego de León 33 E-28006 Madrid +34 91 562 24 88 +34 91 562 32 31 avianza@avianza.org https://avianza.org/


Svensk Fågel Service AB - Swedish Poultry Meat Association

Box 105 33 Stockholm +46 8 787 55 20 +46 787 53 21 maria.donis@svenskfagel.se www.svenskfagel.se

United Kingdom

British Poultry Council

5 Lavington Street London SE1 0NZ +44 203 544 1675 info@britishpoultry.org.uk www.britishpoultry.org.uk